
NaIシンチレータの宇宙線計数率 (NaI count rate due to cosmic rays)
NaIシンチレータの宇宙線計数率 (NaI count rate due to cosmic rays)

地球規模ラドン分布 (General circulation of radon)
地球規模ラドン分布 (General circulation of radon)

大陸上空のラドン (Rn over the continent)
大陸上空のラドン (Rn over the continent)

ラドン娘の高度分布 (Height distribution of radon daughters)
ラドン娘の高度分布 (Height distribution of radon daughters)

気中ラドンからのγ線量率 (Gamma ray dose rates due to atmospheric radon)
気中ラドンからのγ線量率 (Gamma ray dose rates due to atmospheric radon)

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